Sunday, August 12, 2007

Date with Destiny Jackson 2007 – Pastor Scott Camp

We are privileged to have as a special guest at our Date with Destiny Conference this week, August 16-17, Pastor Scott Camp. Scott currently serves as the Senior Pastor of the Fellowship of Joy in Arlington, Texas. This is a church he founded several years ago and now is quickly approaching over a thousand each week in attendance. This is the third church that he has led that has grown rapidly. Scott is pastor with very strong evangelistic gifts. He is much in demand around the country as a revival and evangelistic crusade leader. God blesses him with many conversions at each of his meetings.

The greatest thing about Scott Camp to me personally, is simply the fact, that he is my friend. Scott and I regularly meet on Fridays for lunch and share a relationship of accountability. He speaks into my life and on more than one occasion God has used his counsel to help me make important decisions. I must also say that Scott Camp is one of the best preachers of the Gospel I know. I listen to all of his messages and I heard him preach one of the greatest sermons I have ever heard on the Blood of Jesus Christ. I promise you will be blessed to hear and get to know this great man of God.

All of the details of the Date with Destiny conference are available at

Tomorrow: An introduction to the incomparable evangelist, Jack Taylor.